Pokemon Amazon horned frog 4

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Pokemon Amazon horned frog

Tarjeta de identificación del Pokémon

Fecha de creación : 21 de enero de 2020

Coloque sobre : Amazon horned frog

Typo : Fuego

Ataque 1 : Vigorizar
Une una carta de Energía Lightning de tu pila de descartes a este Pokémon.

Ataque 2 : Rayo
Descarta todas las Energías unidas a este Pokémon.

Comentarios : Amazon horned frog has stocky, roundish body with bumpy skin and stubby limbs. Amazon horned frog has horn-like projections above the eyes which resemble the petioles of leaves. "Horns" provide ideal camouflage on the forest floor. Amazon horned frog is nocturnal creature (active during the night).

Ilustrador : Angee

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