Pokemon Cute Yet Gruesome Puppy

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Pokemon Cute Yet Gruesome Puppy

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 9 novembre 2009

Nom : Cute Yet Gruesome Puppy

Type : Feu

Attaque 1 : Latch
Latches on to the attacker. This tears away at his flesh. He will die a very slow and painful death. His intestines will pour out of his waist. It will be like emptying sand out of a bucket!

Attaque 2 : Annihilate
Will knock the opponent back. His left eye will then explode. He will scream in pain. The attacker will then call in the U.S. Military to shoot the rest of the opponent. This puppy will then eat the remnants of the once living cute poke'mon.

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