Pokemon Mr Kitty 30

Ma carte
Pokemon Mr Kitty

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 12 mai 2021

Nom : Mr Kitty

Type : Elektrik

Attaque 1 : Mr Kitty PUNCH
he will punch 3 times that 50 damege lol

Attaque 2 : HIS OTHER PAL
there other that is Alexix is kinda like of Dragon ball Z that is 200 damege ;)

Commentaires : this is just a random cat but later soon u can sub me in youtube of to say of the story of this cat plushy

Illustrateur : Anthony Portillo

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bad kittyhello kittyDarck hello♥♥♥ HelloHello KittyCharmy kittyHello KittyKittyBye Bye Kitty
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