Pokemon team sonic 999999

Ma carte
Pokemon team sonic              999999

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 5 juin 2011

Nom : team sonic 999999

Type : Obscurité

Attaque 1 : team extreme
toute son equipe hyper

Attaque 2 : boule final
sonic se transforme en dark super sonic

Cartes connexessonicTeam Sonicmythic metalsonic supersuper sonic 9team sonicHyper TeamSonic teamteam sonicMaxi Team Z
sonic team | Super Team Sonic | Degeneration X 999999 | Degeneration X 999999 | Degeneration X 999999 | élekable niv .X 999999 | hariyama niv.X 999999 | scorvol niv.X 999999 | SONIC ET SA BANDE 9999 | SMBZ-team Z niv.X 999999 | maganon niv .X 999999 | regigigas niv.X 999999 | Team Sonic | # la team Anthem | super sonic | Team Sonic | Team "SONIC" | Super Sonic team ultra 1 | Hyper Sonic | sonic | Team sonic | pachirisu niv.X 999999 | gardevoir niv .X 999999 | rhinastoc niv.X 999999 | eggman | super sonic | sonic 999999 | sonic | sonic | sonic or et shadow or | SONIC VS NEKELS 9 | mega sonic metal 999999 | sonic vert noir | sonic VS mario 999999 | Sonic | Sonic | SUPERE SONIC 9999 | métal sonic | jeff hardy 99999999999 | naruto renard ex 111111111 | Pikachu sadows 99999 | Homer tueur 99999 | mario world 2 999999 | Gingka&pegasus | kevin poséder 999999 | spider four armes 999999 | sonic team | le duo invisible 91 | Homer tueur 9999 | l'ecip des 8 3333333 | Réshiram et Zékrom | palkia de mort | The Brothers Of Destruction99 | Cole Macgrath 9999999 | Sheron 9999 | valentin 99999999 | requin machin 999 | generation mysterio 99999 | batista 999999999 | Trio Legendaire 999999 | Lugia noir | Arceus | mellis | sram 99.999999 | shawn | Tails | metal sonic 999999 | Dark Sonic 9999999999999 | double sonic 999999 | giratina
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