Pokemon Beam Kirby 62

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Pokemon Beam Kirby

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 2 mai 2018

Nom : Beam Kirby

Type : Elektrik

Attaque 1 : Beam
is perhaps the most well known Copy Ability that Kirby has at his disposal. It is a very basic ability that Kirby has in almost every game, debuting in Kirby's Adventure. It is the favorite ability of Kirby's creator, Masahiro Sakurai.

Attaque 2 : Flare Beam
is a Super Ability that appears in Kirby's Return to Dream Land. The ability is an upgraded version of Beam, and is obtained after

Commentaires : can create a large ball of energy that can be maneuvered across the screen by pressing the +Control Pad.

Illustrateur : Fire

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