Pokemon Geriatric Warden

Ma carte
Pokemon Geriatric Warden

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 17 décembre 2023

Nom : Geriatric Warden

Type : Eau

Attaque 1 : Moth Ball Attack
To preserve his 1920’s knickknacks, this Pokémon will fire off moth balls. Opponent will be forced to walk geriatric warden to retirement home. If attack is dodged, geriatric warden must reveal his daughters name

Attaque 2 : Life Insurance
If Pokémon plays this attack it will fire Super Bowl winning coaches to gain control. Opponent will be forced to go wide right to dodge. If dodged, kill the geriatric warden and claim his life insurance policy.

Commentaires : Play a Robert Kraft Asian Spa card to instantly beat this card

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