Pokemon Jade 162

Ma carte
Pokemon Jade

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 25 novembre 2012

Nom : Jade

Type : Psy

Attaque 1 : Psyshic view
Throw a dice. If the number is higher than 3, his opponent gets damage and Jade will get no damage in the next round. If under, Jade will only be protected.

Attaque 2 : nature's melody
Throw a dice. If 1 to 4, her opponent is asleep for 2 rounds. If 5 or 6, she heals herself for 15 hp too.

Commentaires : This rare ghost pokemon always sings at the moon. Some say that at the full moon, wings appear on their ghostly back.

Illustrateur : ovipet and google

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