Pokemon Kirby 6119

Ma carte
Pokemon Kirby

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 11 mai 2022

Nom : Kirby

Type : Incolore

Attaque 1 : Eat
Flip a coin if heads then Kirby eats an apple and shoots it back out as a star at the opponents Pokemon doing 20 damage if tails keep flipping and for each tails you get before heads Kirby eats more apples doing 20 more damage to the opponents Pokemon.

Attaque 2 : Friends
Kirby calls his friends to help him this attack will take 3 turns to use

Commentaires : Kirby Kirby Kirby he’s the star of the show Kirby Kirby Kirby that’s the name you should know he’s more then you think he’s got maximum pink oh Kirby Kirby Kirbys the one

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