Pokemon Yian Kut Kut Bleu

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Pokemon Yian Kut Kut Bleu

Carte d'identité du Pokémon

Date de création : 8 mai 2011

Nom : Yian Kut Kut Bleu

Type : Eau

Attaque 1 : Triple Peck
The kut ku will leap towards the ennemi and peck at it 3 times.

Attaque 2 : Chiken charge
The Kut Ku will run towards near the ennemi while swinging his head left and right spitting fireballs.

Commentaires : The Yian Kut-Ku is a fire-breathing Bird Wyvern. They are rather small compared to other wyverns and resemble giant chickens in both manner and form.

Illustrateur : GP372

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